Bluing by Christopher Buckley

(1 customer review)



Although the opening poem of this collection asserts ‘The world is getting smaller,’ this is a poetry that aims (through careful attention to what is said and unsaid) to make the world a little larger, a little more capacious. ‘Ice concedes a smoky sigh’ and ‘mottled whorls of stone near sand’ sing the world to us in their memorable music and show us the world in relation, at elemental edges, in the conical labyrinths of light and shadow, our best and worst selves; Bluing explores attention and sound amid continuing flux of poetic shape–from longer discursive lines to single words surrounded by white space. Simply, the collection gives us a voice, the tracing (syntactical, tonal, musical) that almost, by the end of the book, speaks from the pages as a person on a physical and emotional journey through the world, a journey that Buckley has made into art and one that we, as readers, are invited to share.
–Tod Marshall, Washington State Poet Laureate 2016-2018
Author of Bugle, Editor of WA129


One quality of the best poetry is allowing us to see with new eyes things we take for granted. Through Chris Buckley’s eyes we see a crosswalk, a mousetrap, or a walk in the rain as we never have before. If you wish to see the sacred in what most people pass by on the street without noticing, these poems are for you.
–Paul E Nelson, Author of A Time Before Slaughter
and American Sentences






by Christopher Buckley

$14.99, paper



Answering the post-truth culture, Buckley’s writing looks for permanence in the intersection between geek culture, conscience, faith, and fatherhood. Together, these poems function as bluing: a ferrous compound once used to enhance the perception of color and brightness. In a world of bleach, bluing is the alternative – less clinical, more aesthetic, and largely forgotten as a relic of the past. In language textured by the natural and urban worlds unique to  the Pacific Coast, the poems of Bluing invite the reader to hang onto what lasts, and to treasure the old as part of the new.

It is simpler to write of God

Than of the songs his birds

Can sing


He at least is One

And they so very many