Border Crossings by Raymond Berthelot



“These eye opening, well-crafted poems by Raymond Berthelot reveal our need for peace and tranquility, give us hope and make us listen to free jazz.”

–Gabor G. Gyukics, author of a hermit has no plural and detoxification of the body, is a poet, jazz poet, literary translator and Lifetime Beat Poet Laureate of Hungary.


“In Border Crossings, Raymond Berthelot’s poems show us snapshots of scenes from around the world, and intermittently of the Deep South.  In these short, precise narrative poems, Berthelot finds beauty in the details of even the most unforgiving landscapes, and he sings to us with a language so evocative and true, it’s easy to lose oneself in the blossoming, often deadly worlds he creates.”

–Randolph Thomas, author of Dispensations and The Deepest Rooms, is a writer, poet and musician from the Appalachian region of Virginia. He is also cofounder of the seminal hybrid Southern country/rock band, Flatbed Honeymoon.


“Berthelot’s lyrical and ironic approach to communicative poems has surrounded the difficulties of communication itself. We attend a livestream of thoughts that travel through different geographies with an open eye to any unfitting detail. His quotidian and sympathetic remarks reveal as much as they remain: “Unless we can measure the distance / between heartbeats / time stands still”.  Border Crossings also shares a need to belong in a society in which some “still owe more to the company store / than to God”. The poet, nevertheless, has “a crush on youth”, on color and nature. He dives quick solar verses into a water of absences and desires that refresh us between sparkling pop or foodie references, reminding us that “to live / is sufficient enough.””

–Enrique Winter is a Chilean writer and “one of Latin America’s most prominent poets of his generation.” He is the author of SkyscrapersSuns and Sign Tongue, which was awarded both the Pablo de Rokha and the Good Morning Menagerie prizes. His most recent collection is Variaciones de un día.





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Border Crossings

by Raymond Berthelot


$15.99 List: $17.99

Pre-order Price Guarantee until March 14, 2025


This title will be released on  May 9, 2025

In Border Crossings, Berthelot’s second chapbook with Finishing Line Press, the author explores the grey areas between the awake and the dream, the border lands, sometimes violent, sometimes an oasis, that form the buffer between  rational and fantasy.  Here are poems that reflect the world as it is, whether a Paris under the moon, or Latin America in the harsh light of reality, and the universe of the mind.  These poems, rooted in the natural, can best be described as Charles Bowden, noted journalist, stated, are where the “border of our body vanishes and we become one with the land.”

Raymond Berthelot is a writer and poet, and author of the chapbook, The Middle Ages.  His poems have appeared in The Acentos Review, Progenitor, Mantis, Peregrine Journal, Apricity Magazine, The Elevation Review, Journal of Caribbean Literatures, the Carolina Quarterly, DASH Literary Journal, Lothlorien Poetry Journal and many other diverse literary journals.  Border Crossings is his second chapbook of poetry with Finishing Line Press.  Raymond lives in Louisiana with his wife, Gerardina.


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